Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Pettigrews in Asheville

We spent only a brief period of time in Tampa before driving up to visit my parents in Asheville, NC.  The kids did great on the 11 hour drive from Tampa.  Leaving at 5am was key as they slept for the first 3 hours of the journey.  This Asheville visit is our transition period before we have to move back to Tampa for good.

We are really enjoying being in Asheville, although it is obviously a lot different than Sevilla.  A few big differences really jump out at you.
1. People seem to speak a lot less Spanish.
2. There are a lot more TransAms.
3. A lot more people are named Skeeter.

I have been reading a lot, but otherwise trying to do as little as possible and attempting to avoid stressful decisions such as "Where should we go for dinner tonight?".  My Spanish skills are slowly evaporating into the ether.  I am eating too much.  I am drinking too much.  My weight is up a few pounds.  My personal hygiene is marginal.  It's good.

Today the girls saw snow for the first time.  It accumulated enough that we could run around in the yard and make some snowballs. Camila really loved walking and playing in the snow but Isa, the cautious one,  had an obvious distrust of its stability similar to the first time she walked in beach sand.  I, of course, forced her to walk in it which seemed to not please her.  I have no doubt years from now she will thank me.

We will hole up here for the night.  It is in the 20's, snowy, and windy currently.  Tonight will be even worse with temperatures dropping into the teens,  making it a night fit for neither man nor beast.  As an anodyne to this bone-chilling weather,  Ali is making homemade chicken soup.  I am looking forward to eating mine by the fireplace as the winter wind whips around outside.


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