Saturday, January 28, 2012

Home, sort of

Getting ready for the big flight

We arrived safely back in Tampa last night after a long and exhausting day of airline travel.  The nine and a half hour flight from Madrid to Miami was definitely tough.  Isa went through a period of inconsolability during the flight very similar to the one on the trip over.  The difference this time was that it occurred during the middle of the day instead of 3am and this made it much less stressful.  For about an hour she just rolled around on the ground and cried, finally getting worn out enough that we could lay her on the seat.  Like all things, it passed.

The transition back to American culture has been a little weird so far.  Walking through Target yesterday Ali told me she felt like a foreigner in the vast, fluorescently lit superstore.  I had my culture re-entry shock yesterday when I found myself drinking a venti latte, eating a breakfast sandwich, and driving our Range Rover with my knee.  What are you doing man?  Twelve hours back in the country and I am already making to-do lists and multitasking.

We are heading to Asheville on Tuesday for a few weeks to visit my parents and relax.  I am really looking forward to this time of relaxation and reflection in the mountains before having to return to the grind.  I have my good friends to thank for their help in making it happen.  Well, off to Gasparilla.  ARRRRRRGH!

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