Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Three Kings Day

This week has been a slow week for us here in Sevilla.  After a great coastal trip with the girls, we settled into a lazy week of hanging around the house, sleeping in, and spending time with the girls.  The holiday season is still in full effect here and Sevilla is gearing up for its biggest holiday tomorrow, Three Kings Day.  This is when the children here get the majority of their presents for the holidays.  After tomorrow, the holiday season officially ends and the kids will be back in school next week.  We are looking forward to the next round of viral infections (not!).

In celebration of Three Kings Day there was a huge Gasparilla-style parade today.  Lucky for us it just happened to pass right in front of our apartment building.  The floats were manned almost entirely by children who showered the crowd with candy as the floats passed by.  Some were a bit more malicious than others.  As I watched them, I would see their eyes start to squint as they radar locked onto an unsuspecting bystander's head, rear back, and go for the head shot.  We all took a few in the head but it was good fun and the girls bagged a lot of candy.  The street was quickly turned into a disaster area, but interestingly the street cleaners were right behind the floats.  Way to get right on it guys.  Here is some pictures of the parade I took from our balcony.

Dora float

Arabs painted in black face

The street was packed

What a mess!

Call 112 for emergency

 That is sticky candy all over that tire

 The street cleaners quickly on task

The girls with their loot

Ali buying Dora balloons for the girls

Grant and Laura arrive tomorrow and we are very excited to have them in Sevilla. We are looking forward to showing them our city.  In anticipation, we have four consecutive nights of babysitting scheduled.  Can't wait to get out on the town with them.  

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