Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adios Grant y Laura

Grant and Laura left us yesterday after a very enjoyable visit and we were sad to see them go.   I considered burning their passports forcing them  to stay a while longer, but reconsidered thinking it would be just a tad selfish.  Luckily, our four night culinary tour of Sevilla's modern tapas venues went very well and I think they were quite happy with our selections.  The jury is still out as to whether Ali's favorite spot or mine took the prize.  As you know, it's always a competition around here.  All in all, I think we made the most of their 4 days here and they enjoyed our home away from home.  I have to give Grant some serious props for his command of the Spanish language.  I thought the only expression he knew was "Me gustaria mantequilla", but his skills were actually pretty impressive.  Nice work Grant.  Below are some photos taken by Grant that I borrowed from Snapfish.  He has an application on his camera that brings out the reds in photos while leaving the rest of the photo black and white.

I took a few photos as well, but nobody has pink lips, so not as funny.  It's hard to keep up with the software geeks and all their "smoke and mirrors".

Uncle Matt arrives tonight. Bienvenido a Espana Tio Matt!
The Pettigrew casa sure is busy.

Hasta Luego, Dave.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics... two things i did not know about Grant, he has some skilz behind the camera... and he's gay.
