Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Illness/injury update and more!

I am happy to report my daughter's life threatening rash (maternal perception; in this parenthetical the father is cool, calm, and collected) has resolved.  Of course she has started on another cold, but that's business as usual as all of you with little ones in daycare/preschool know.  Camila continues to be well and mommy is finally over her cough.  As for me, I have contracted Isa's cold, the viral particles likely hitching a ride during one of her trademark snotty bedtime kisses.  No pasa nada, I will drown it in beer.


Ali's family is here and everyone is having a good time.  They are working their way through the sites of Sevilla and are even doing day trips to Cordoba and Granada this week.  For their age (which I can't publish here for fear of death), their stamina is admirable.  Granada will be a particularly long day for them.  The tour bus picks them up at 6:30am and they return to Sevilla at 7pm.  That is already a long day, but what they don't know is I will be dragging them to the Tiefshwarz show later that night.  Tiefshwarz is an electro-house duo from Stuttgart, Germany.  They are playing in Sevilla this Friday night and come on around 3am, so I guess we'll see how much stamina they really have.  Insert a Mr. Burns evil laugh here.

Now for lighter fare:

And you thought you were serious about your nativity scenes?  I know I was... until now.  Come to Sevilla and see how the pros do it.  All the vendors pictured below only sell nativity scene accessories.

There is a baby Jesus to fit any budget.

All of baby Jesus's visitors.

Miniature loaves of bread, vegetables, baskets, etc.

Today was a nice afternoon for photos.  On the way to my Spanish lessons  I took a few.


 Roman columns
Alameda de Hercules

 Yes, that street is called Lost Boy.

My tutor's building

 How to navigate narrow streets
 with your preschoolers

Typical street on the way

I hope today is finding everyone well. 
Hasta Luego.


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