Friday, November 11, 2011

Isabel is 2!

We celebrated Isabel's birthday on November 9th with a small family gathering (me, Ali, Camila, and Isabel).  The neighborhood baker made a nice little mascarpone cake that was delicious.  Isabel was very excited about her new Bullseye and Jessie toys and was able to enjoy them for a few fleeting but precious moments before they were usurped by her sister.  Isa also got a Nemo and Dorrie doll which are her new bedtime buddies.  It was a good 2nd birthday for our big girl.

 Isa with her new Nemo doll

Bullseye and Jessie

 Isa and Daddy

 Birthday dinner
Mac and cheese imported by Grandma

And now moving on to the injury/illness update:

1. Ali is recovering from what I believe was "walking pneumonia" following a Z Pack that a pharmacist was nice enough to give us without a prescription.  She has had a cough for a month that is finally improving.  Last week, however, she had a bout of Salmonellosis from eating an undercooked egg.  This is just now resolved today.  No broken bones or head injuries luckily, but the week isn't over yet. 

2. Dave: I also had a relatively mild case of Salmonella from the same meal as Ali, now resolved.  Other than dry feet, I have been healthy as a horse. 

3.  Camila:  My superstar!  Has been very healthy for the last few weeks.

4.  Isabel:  Our little petri dish.  She had a runny nose for a month, so I finally pulled the trigger and put her on antibiotics which dried her nose up nicely.  Awesome right?  But not so fast!  Over the last 48 hours she has broken out in a total body rash which has me concerned.  The rash appears to be erythema multiforme, which if googled may illicit an involuntary gasp.  We are watching it closely as this one can rarely get serious.  Worst case scenario is we take her to the hospital here, or if possible, get her back to Tampa in a hurry.  Most kids do not get the severe form of this disease, so we are remaining calm for now.  I think how things progress over the weekend will be tell tale.  As if this weren't enough, yesterday she did a face-plant and split the inside of her lip open.  She can't seem to catch a break on this trip health-wise.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and we will keep you posted.



  1. Oh Dave this post breaks my heart! For so many years I listened to Ali talk about this dream you both had of this precious time for you and your family. I sure do hope that the health problems resolve for all your little ladies. I wish you nothing but good health and fun times ahead as your time seems to be flying by. I could only imagine how wonderful an opportunity to spend several months in Europe could be. Things have to take a turn for you. We all know you certainly deserve this time to be everything you ever dreamed of. Much love - Aimée

  2. Happy Birthday Isa! And I hope you all have a great weekend and get these health issues resolved. Sophia had a terrible allergic reaction to Amoxicillin a few months ago and broke out head to toe in red welts... as it was getting better she looked a lot like Isa looks in that picture you posted. Hugs to all your girls - you too! xo Sus

  3. Poor little birthday girl...hope she clears up soon - Ash had a sulpha reaction once and was covered in these raised red hopefully that is all it is.

  4. Poor Isa! But it looks like she's pretty happy with her new toys. Camila is a rock star...maybe thanks to Seaborn. :)

  5. We can thank Seaborn for the immunity she has here for sure.
