Thursday, September 15, 2011


Finding an apartment in Seville for less than a years term is definitely not easy.  We were fortunate enough to find a real estate agent willing to help and we looked at a few places today.  Both were typical andalusian homes which have been updated. The second was reasonably priced with four bedrooms, two and a half baths, a modern kitchen, and nice interior courtyard for the kids to play.  We don't need four bedrooms, but it seems like the apartments are either really small or huge.  We will still be paying quite a bit less than our rent in Tampa.  We meet with the owner again tomorrow and hopefully we can close the deal and start transitioning out of the glorified studio we are in now.  Ciao-Dave.

One thing that will be hard getting used to is not using the "car seat."  Back in the states, it's horrible to see kids not in their seats, but here we are, riding on buses and taxis holding our children.  Just hoping not to get into an accident and have our kids ejected.  Very scary.  Camila and Isabel however think its great and I see it's going to be a rough transition when we get back to the states. - Ali. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG seeing their pictures make me miss them more. I love reading about your adventures. Keep it up please.
