Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Day of School

Escuela Infantil Snoopy

Today was Camila and Isabel's first day of school in Sevilla.  They were both very excited about their new backpacks, which they can pull like luggage or wear on their backs.  Camila integrated quite easily as expected. For Isabel, this was her first day of school ever, so the separation was a little more difficult.  

Having them in school today was really great for us.  Today was the first day we truly had protected time for ourselves.  We did some shopping for household items, roamed around the city, and had a nice lunch listening to flamenco music in a taverna.  

The apartment is coming together slowly but surely.  There are many household items that we are lacking, but really not much that is essential.  Tonight, I am going to attempt to truly cook.  We have one knife currently, which appears to be a pruning knife of some sort, but I will make it work.  I need to buy a cutting board to prep the ingredients and I spotted an inexpensive one today at one of the Chinese bazaars.  Things are very expensive here, even not accounting  for the bad exchange rate, so we are trying to carefully select what housewares to buy as most will get left behind.  

I am hoping for another couple of good days with a stable routine for the  girls, as I believe this will assuage some maternal anxiety.  They slept about 9 hours last night, which is a big improvement and helped their moods today.


  1. If you cannot cook a 9 course meal with only a paring knife, then you truly are not the cook I once thought. I hope you find yourself, young pettigrew. You have much to learn.

  2. I saw this article and thought about you:

    I know its rough finding your rhythm in a new environment, but I'm sure once you do that this will be an amazing experience for the whole family. Btw, love the blog and look forward to following your adventures!

  3. Matt C- Did I mention that the paring knife was dull?

  4. does a samurai warrior say "my sword is too dull" or does he plunge it into his enemy… showing no mercy as he screams in a furious rage of angered blood thirsty hunger??? Too far? Ok, then order togo and uncork a few bottles of Vinos Blancos y rosados!!

  5. Hope the girls had a great day at school! The picture is adorable! xo Sus
