Monday, September 26, 2011

Everyone with gripa!

Well, it started with Isa, then me, and today Camila.  Horrible congestion, runny nose, sinus pressure and cough.  At first I was blaming the pollution,  but now it's definitely a nasty cold.  The girls will most likely stay home from school this week,  and we will all be crazy with cabin fever by week's end.  Now, I'm wishing we had a TV and endless movies on TNT.... and definitely Nick, Jr.

Due to me feeling terrible yesterday and today,  my attitude tanked again and Dave had to give me another pep talk this morning.  I vacillate between grabbing a taxi with both kids in tow and heading straight to the airport and feeling like I can relax here and truly enjoy it.  What keeps coming to mind is how much easier it would be without the girls, but I would never go anywhere without them.  I'm sure once this cold is over, I will be able to strengthen my resolve.

Dave ran into the Ikea guy this morning, and we might get together with them soon.  They are expats from San Francisco, but he's originally Iranian (shout-out to Jason Tarokh!) and his wife is Swiss.  He told Dave it took them a couple months to let go of the American comforts and integrate.  And that's without any children.

 The girls eating pb-n-j's at the park.

Waiting for the bus...

Dave also started Spanish school today.  His head was spinning when he got out.  From what I could tell from his notes it looks to be quite challenging.  I'm just glad I don't have to go to school.  I'm perfectly happy with my 3rd grade Spanish :)


  1. I second the desire to watch TNT movies!

  2. No TV? As Alex would say, "WHAT, that's crazy?"

  3. Haha! I'll tell JT you sent him a shout out! Ok, now let's address the no TV thing... for reals? I hope you all feel better ASAP! Sending love xo Sus and the Iranian :)

  4. You don’t need TV! I think you guys should act out their favorite cartoon episodes each morning and night. It will keep you all extremely occupied creating new stages and sets for all the fun adventures!! Tell Dave to ask his Spanish teach how to sing the Yo Gaba Gaba songs in Spanish while you are sewing together the Wonder Pets costumes for your morning shows!

  5. Great idea Matt! Ali, you will have to get some orange fabric to make Dave a DJ Lance outfit. "Hola, DJ Lance!" And don't forget Dora - of course you'll have to reverse the songs and sing the spanish parts in english and the english parts in spanish.

  6. That's hilarious Matt and Marty. Dave misses his absolute favorite show, The Fresh Beat Band.
