Friday, October 14, 2011

Our week

This week has been a relatively routine week for us Sevillanos.  I had a measly three days of Spanish class since Wednesday was a national holiday (Dia de la Hispanidad) and this particular class doesn't meet on Fridays.  This actually worked out well since the class has turned out to be pretty lousy. I am going to start private tutoring next week which I think will be a lot more efficient.

The kids did well in school this week and Isabel is finally starting to get over her cold.  It's one of those colds were they act pretty well during the day, then at night they sound like they are going to expel a lung.  A few nights ago, upon checking on her after a particularly bad coughing fit, I fully expected to discover an ex vivo lung specimen on the tile floor.  Things got bad enough that Ali took her to a pediatrician at a walk-in clinic.  He basically repeated exactly what I had told her, which made me feel warm and happy inside.  This is what I got for the 80 Euros.  What my wife got was a little piece of mind and some cold medicine.  All things considered I think it was a good investment.  Isa started to improve quickly after the visit.  Why is it that kids so frequently improve after a doctors visit even when the doctor didn't necessarily do anything definitive?  This is truly one of the great pediatric mysteries of the universe.

With the kids doing well, Ali and I set out to explore the city.  Here we are riding Sevilla's communal bikes.  The bikes are strategically placed throughout the city and you simply pay a small fee and go.  The bikes can be returned at a different location, so you can use them to commute across the city.  There is even a basket in front for your small lap dog.  Pretty cool.  The weather was great that day and we ended up riding for over 2 hours.

Ali on her bike 
Me on my bike 

Today is an important day for three reasons.  Firstly, it is our good friend Steve Wyckoff's birthday, so Happy Birthday Steve.  Secondly, it is our good friend Laura Shaw's birthday, so Happy Birthday Laura.  Lastly, and for the purposes of my next segue, it is our 5th wedding anniversary.  Hurray, we made it!  A few more years and we can get a respectable divorce (just kidding).  But seriously, to celebrate tonight we are going to see Cirque du Soleil, who are in town with their traveling big top for just a few more days.  Additionally, we are hitting some of the tapas bars that you guys have suggested in your emails.  Thanks again for the off-site research!  We are excited to be celebrating 5 years of marriage and our 2nd date night in Sevilla. If any memories persist beyond the inevitable haze of good wine and savory tapas,  I will be sure to report them.

Hasta Luego, Dave


  1. Nice bikes but not as cool as our temp bikes (courtesy of the Pettigrews). It was nice talking to Ali twice, even though the conversation was exactly the same. LoL Matt said now I now how he feels, when I tell him a story after I've been drinking, then repeat it in the morning. :D
