Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bye, Bye Abuela

Ali's mom headed back to Tampa a few days ago after a very nice visit.  She did amazingly well navigating the irregular, cobblestoned streets of Sevilla, the incarnation market, the crowded bus system, and the busy tourist sites.  The girls loved having their abuela here and she was a big help with the kids and around the house.  She is physically incapable of not cleaning or cooking.  I tried to wash a dish once, but it was forcibly removed from my hand.  Ali and I were also able to have a few late nights out immersing ourselves in the Spanish nightlife, a privilege as rare as hens teeth when you have small children.  We will miss her.

Libia had a very long flight back from Madrid to Chicago and, of course, had one of O'hare's infamous delays.  These delays are bad enough normally, but when you're just trying to finish off a near 24 hour journey, it must be brutal.  Luckily, she made back in one piece.  My advice to her is "rest up" because when we get back you're getting the kids again. Ha ha ha!

On her last night in Sevilla we went out to dinner in Santa Cruz.  We had coquinas for the first time and they were delicious in a sea watery, lemony, garlicy broth.  The kids did great and it wasn't too crowded as we were the early birds (7:30pm).  At times it seems as if the kids intuitively know when it's important to behave.  Perhaps they sensed our last evening with abuela was not to be spoiled with illogical refusals to eat, temper tantrums, loss of bowel control, or other devious toddler behavior, much like the intuition of a hatchling sea turtle finding its way to the ocean.  Or maybe it was just luck.  Regardless, we had a very nice last evening together.  Hasta luego abuela.


1 comment:

  1. Just updated myself and read your blog that I've missed the past couple weeks. I'm glad you all are doing well and had a nice visit with Ali's mom and sister. Miss you guys!
    P.S. Layla says hi! She's doing great and wants you to know she loves to pin Sunny down when they are wrestling. I'll send more pics of them soon. xoxo
