Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Doctor, Doctor

As I mentioned earlier, my blogging has been delayed recently by a virus that has gone through the Pettigrew household like a West Texas wildfire.  Two nights ago I got pretty worried about Isa, and when a pediatric critical care doctor is worried, you should worry.

Isa had another fever, only her nine thousandth of the trip, but what was different and worrisome was how she was breathing. To put it plainly, she was febrile, tachypneic, with intercostal retractions and clearly audible rhonchi in her left lower lobe. We called one of our twin babysitters and explained the situation and she was here in 10 minutes.  We caught a cab and headed to the St Isabel clinic where we are frequent flyers and where poor little Isa has been three times.   I wanted Isa to have a chest X-ray and the doctor was nice enough to order one for her neurotic doctor-dad. The X-rays came up clean, meaning no pneumonia, and I was able to relax a bit.  As a bonus, we got to keep the X-rays for a souvenir.  Below is  me reviewing the X-rays.

The girls are starting a two week holiday break next week and my Christmas wish is that they can both get healthy.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you all get to feeling better! Merry Christmas!!! xoxo Sus
