Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas is Here- Part 2

Last night we hopped on the #27 bus with the double stroller and headed downtown to see the Christmas lights.  The Centro was packed and navigating "the beast" through the crowds was interesting.  The lights are nice in the Centro, but the real treat was the lights along Constitution Ave leading to the cathedral.  I attempted a few pictures, but at night, well, you know.

We strolled down Constitution Ave enjoying the lights and ended up in a plaza between the cathedral and the Alcazar.  Here we encountered a procession celebrating the day of the immaculate conception.  They were carrying a huge float with an elaborate Virgin Mary statue on their shoulders, about 10 men to a side.  It passed right by us so we got a good look.  The kids got a kick out of this one, then melted down when we tried to head home.  In their defense it was 10 o'clock at night.

As a bonus, the kids spotted Santa on the way home.  Santa's role here is much smaller than in the U.S. and largely eclipsed by the Three Kings. According to an old legend based on a Bible story, these three kings saw, on the night when Christ was born, a bright star, followed it to Bethlehem and found there the Christchild and presented it with gold, frankincense and myrrh.  As an aside, I am always looking for a good myrrh guy.  Anyway, all that really matters to the kids is that these guys bring presents.  So Three Kings Day (Jan 6th) is the big day for presents in Spain, and with it marks the end of the holiday season.  Question is what can the "Three Kings" bring our kids that will fit in the suitcases?  They're wise, I have no doubt they will figure it out.



  1. Guess what the Pettigrews are getting for Christmas???
    THE SHAWS!!!!

  2. The ex and his family celebrate this holiday as well and say that you are supposed to put grass beneath the childs bed for the 3 King's camels... good luck with camels in your flat :)

  3. The camels in Sevilla are out of luck. No grass here! That's funny.
