Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas is Here- Part 1

Christmas has arrived in Sevilla.  The Christmas lights have been strung downtown and the nativity scenes have been placed.  If you haven't heard, Sevilla is crazy for its nativity scenes, called "Portals de Belen" or simply "Belenes" in the native tongue.  They can be found all over the city from bank and government buildings to apartment buildings to convents.  The best one we have seen was in the Cajasol bank in plaza San Francisco.  This Belen was incredibly intricate and detailed and even featured shifting mood lighting.  It is good to know some of that pilfered loot the bank has is being used for good.  If these extravagant nativities even make one child smile in wonder, then it will have made all the ATM fees, transfer charges, and exchange commissions worthwhile.  Here's a taste-

 The ornate bank lobby

 My exchange fees in action

Bethlehem circa 0

 The town is hopping

 Camel traffic is light today

 The little guy aglow

 Time to get the water

 And the stone was rolled away

 Transfer fees

Kids got balloons and lollipops
"That's how they get you"

Stay tuned for "Christmas is here" parts 2 and 3.  I hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit.



  1. Well at least the Camel traffic was light. We had a Camel pile up this morning that caused major delays; I was 45 minutes late to the well and then realize I forgot my goat skin bag sitting right by the stable door! One of those days, I guess. THANK YOU little tiny BABY JESUS it’s pay day, meeting the myrrh guy at 4 if you want to go in on some, hit me up on the MP!! (Message Pigeon)!!! Peace to all!

  2. Matt- that is hilarious and the best comment to date on our blog!
