Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas is Here- Part 3

Welcome to our Charlie Brown, made in China Christmas!  After combing the local chino shops this week, we settled on the little petroleum-based pigmy of a Christmas tree pictured below.  Real Christmas trees are apparently a rarity here, so we had to settle for the plastic variety.  I always love the  fresh alpine aroma a real Christmas tree brings to the house.  I miss that big, expensive air freshener of a tree and my yearly trek to Plant High School to pick it up.  A bit of homesickness I guess (single tear).

Despite its somewhat short stature, the kids were still very excited and enjoyed decorating the little squirt.  Like everything in the chino shops, or chinos as they call the ubiquitous Chinese owned junk shops here, it's made in China.  The quality of their wares is at best dubious, and more likely toxic and highly flammable.  So we unplug the little bugger at night and try to keep Isa from eating too many of the pine needles.  Seems to work.

The lil' Bugger

 The star lists the tree slightly to port

There will eventually be some presents under that tree so don't worry.  I was tempted to tell Camila that Santa doesn't come to Spain because of an EU trade embargo since we will have very little space in our luggage to bring back presents, but I doubt mom will go for that one.  I guess the trick this year will be to buy presents that can either be eaten, destroyed, or are Chinese, in which case they will auto-combust. The creative juices have not yet begun to flow, so we will need to get on the ball this week.  Wish us luck, and good luck to everyone navigating your holiday gift lists.  From time to time remember to stop, take a deep breath, and enjoy it.


1 comment:

  1. What a cool Christmas experience! Keep taking pictures...we love to see them. I was going to order the girls gifts that would ship there, but it would be better to just wait to give them something upon your arrival back home. I forget about the luggage situation. :D
